Blog posts are written in Markdown, a simple and nearly-universal format. This means you can bring over your posts from other platforms, and easily export to another if you want to.
Hello I'm Yang
When the mist rises again from the mountaintop, the sunflower in my heart turns toward the sun.
This is a catchy headline that
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatum velit voluptatibus commodi autem provident quam labore, libero beatae praesentium voluptate?
Blog posts
This section shows the 4 most recent blog posts. Check them out for tips on how to get started!
Verdaccio 是一个轻量级的私有 npm 代理/存储库,它允许你在本地搭建一个私有 npm 存储库,以便于你的团队或组织内部共享和管理 npm 包。
API auto to TypeScript
自动将 Apifox API 文档转换为 TyeScript 类型定义
Feature Sliced 架构设计
Feature Sliced 是一种用于构建前端应用程序的架构方法。可以将其理解为前端项目结构、代码约定和规则的规范。它的目的是让项目在应对不断变化的业务需求时,更加易于理解和组织,便于扩展和维护。
宜祭祀 作灶 畋猎 结网 修饰垣墙 平治道涂 馀事勿取
Here are some of the features of this template
You can easily theme the entire website by changing just a few colors in the _themes.scss file.
Components are built to be reused, and you can build new pages and layouts without much CSS knowledge. You can see all components in Histoire by running "npm run story:dev"
Images are automatically optimized and lazy loaded, to ensure the website loads as fast as possible regardless of connection speed.
This template was built with dark mode in mind. It can swap between themes automatically (based on system settings) or manually. Both themes can be tweaked in the _themes.scss file.
All code is open source, which means you can copy and modify it to your heart's content. All I ask is that you make your code open too so that knowledge can be passed on.